Why I’m Running


I want to represent the blue-collar men and women who don’t have a voice, who get up day after day and go to work to provide for their family and make sure they have a nice home and they can put food on the table.

I want to represent the Blue Collar men and women who don’t have a voice, those who go to work daily so as to provide a safe home and food on the table for their family.

I am running for all the small business owners looking to upgrade or hire more people but can’t because of red tape and burdensome regulations.

I am running because the supply chain issues our nation is facing are turning into a national crisis and the Biden Administration has no idea how to fix it. Their only solution is more regulations that will make it harder to find good truck drivers. My first bill in Congress will be a complete audit of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and other agencies that are hurting the transportation and logistics industry.

I am running to represent church going Americans so they know someone has their back and will fight for their religious freedoms allowing them to practice what they believe without big government stepping in.

I am running to stand up for the unborn and protect life by defunding family planning centers in the 14th district.

I’m running to ensure that our 2nd amendment is not infringed upon because if you think our government has encroached upon our liberties in the last 2 years, just imagine what they would have done if we didn’t have our 2nd amendment.

I am running to provide an alternative to people who find themselves frustrated with our current Congresswoman. No one is entitled to an office. You have to earn the trust of the people each term and be re-elected. Competition is a good thing for all candidates across America.

And lastly, I’m running because we need an everyday American who is from this district and knows the people who live and work in the 14th district. I was born here and and raised here. We don’t need another super wealthy member of congress who hasn’t dealt with the struggles of everyday life. We need a blue collar working American.